How We Booked 300 Meetings & Closed 6-Figures In Just 4 Months Leveraging $3 Per Hour Setters & In-House Systems

How We Booked 300 Meetings & Closed 6-Figures In Just 4 Months Leveraging $3 Per Hour Setters & In-House Systems

..and how you too can start booking 20-60+ qualified sales meetings every single month while closing them on large retainers worth $24,000-36,000 each (5X ROI Guaranteed)

..and how you too can start booking 20-60+ qualified sales meetings every single month while closing them on large retainers worth $24,000-36,000 each (5X ROI Guaranteed)

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Make sure your sound is turned on, eliminate distractions and watch without skipping

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  • ‍Stop hiring & getting burned by "single-platform" outsourced lead generation agencies

  • ‍Stop wasting a ton of money on underperforming ads due to generic messaging & positioning

  • ‍Stop joining multiple "copy & paste" programs, become overwhelmed and suffer with inaction

  • ‍Stop chasing low to mid ticket 1-3 month retainers with high-churning low quality clients

  • Stop hiring random appointment setters into an ineffective system and expect the world

  • Stop trying to force meetings with outdated messaging your audience has heard 100s of times

  • Instead, we'll just build you the entire in-expensive outbound sales system, run it for you, optimize it for you, and let you own it for life, 100% In-house. While helping you close large 12 month retainers so that you can scale your agency with predictability, with 2-3x less clients, with 3x more freedom, and 5-10x more money.

If this sounds like you, then click the button below to see if you qualify.

What you'll learn inside

Here's everything you'll discover when you join today:

Marketing funnels

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Praesent suspendisse diam eros sem elit.

Sales messages

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Praesent suspendisse diam eros sem elit.

Automated selling systems

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Praesent suspendisse diam eros sem elit.

Automated follow ups

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Praesent suspendisse diam eros sem elit.

Offer creation hacks

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Praesent suspendisse diam eros sem elit.

Customer avatar checklists

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Praesent suspendisse diam eros sem elit.

I almost lost my business, then I discovered this system

The truth is... I used to really struggle with lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Amet justo tincidunt gravida vestibulum egestas.

Tincidunt nunc erat ultricies tincidunt nulla risus. Sit vitae sed vivamus eu orci. Odio rhoncus parturient lacus consectetur. Mi ac eget eget in pellentesque lectus hendrerit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Amet justo tincidunt gravida vestibulum egestas.

The secrets to scaling is having a marketing method

Most business don't have a lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Amet justo tincidunt gravida vestibulum egestas.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Amet justo tincidunt gravida vestibulum egestas.

Get these amazing bonuses

included for free

Get these fast-action bonuses free of charge when you join the course today.


Marketing Kit™

  • Offer stack with value lorem ipsum dolor.

  • Offer stack with value lorem ipsum dolor.

  • Offer stack with value lorem ipsum dolor.


Launch Kit™

  • Offer stack with value lorem ipsum dolor.

  • Offer stack with value lorem ipsum dolor.

  • Offer stack with value lorem ipsum dolor.


Scaling Kit™

  • Offer stack with value lorem ipsum dolor.

  • Offer stack with value lorem ipsum dolor.

  • Offer stack with value lorem ipsum dolor.


What others are saying

See what other agency owners & consultants have said about us.


"$12,000 in the first month"

“Daniel and his program has been amazing so far. He been able to help me generate more appointments and add an extra $12,000 in the first month which is pretty amazing. Really want to thank Daniel.”

Georges Haba, Agency Owner

30+ Popular Questions Agencies Ask Us:

What do you do exactly?

For more information watch the above video and book in a meeting.

In short: we’ll build your entire custom multi-platform outbound system & strategy 100% in-house.

Then we'll fully train and manage a $3-6 hour appointment setter to run it for you 160 hours per month - with the sole purpose of booking qualified meetings on your calendar.

Therefore having full control & ownership over client acquisition for years to come.

100% done-for-you & 100% in-house.

How can I keep track of all the deliverables?

You’ll get full access to our centralized custom client dashboard where you get to track and access everything.

From onboarding, to our agreement, to additional plans, to all the deliverables and what stage they are in (working on or complete).

Including direct links and custom loom videos breaking each deliverable down so everyone understands everything.

How much does an appointment setter cost?

Minimum is $3hr, $500 per month, you could also include 5-10% commission for deals closed.

Instead of spending a minimum of $2000/m “renting” a system from an outsourcing agency which focuses on one single channel. You could have 4 setters at that price working 640 hours per month. 

Want to learn more? click here

What happens after you build everything out?

The goal is to build out the entire system & strategy, and have the setter ramped up in as little as 60 days, which is our Phase 1 and Phase 2 system combined.

After that, we can look at month-to-month training and management if required.

For more information on the phased breakdown - watch the video & book your custom gameplan

What’s the worst possible ROI?

Let’s say you have a bad month, you only booked 10 meetings and only closed at 10%.

That’s 1 new client x "our sales framework to close 12 month retainers" = $24,000 minimum. (around a 5x ROI)

Do that every month for a year = $288,000 minimum.

A 500x ROI - from just 1 client per month for 12 months?

Want these results? click here

How many prospects can I reach out to each month?

Infinite. There is no limit.

Other agencies have a limit of like 1000-3000 - which is a rip off.

With that setup you’re already limited.

We set up systems across Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Cold Email, Cold Calling, Warm Calling and so on.

Will this work for me?

Without a doubt. The more proven and tested your offer is, the better your campaigns will do.

If you don’t have a proven or tested offer, we’ll help you craft an irresistible cold friendly offer that we know will work.

Get your offer audited here for free.

Why should my agency invest in an in-house outbound system?

Building an in-house multi-platform outbound system gives your agency full control over client acquisition.

It's much more scalable, predictable, inexpensive and - you fully own it.

Instead of spending a minimum of $2000/m “renting” a system from an outsourcing agency which focuses on one single channel, then to be left with nothing when you part ways.

Get your own in-house system here.

What is the bandwidth of an appointment setter?

Most outsourcing agencies have 1 appointment setter working on 5-6 different clients, spending around 1 hour per day per client.

In this case, the setter is assigned to you and only you, working 40 hours per week.

More prospecting, more pipeline, more meetings & more sales.

How much customization is possible with your system?

Everything is built from scratch & fully customized to your exact offer and target audience. 100% unique

What kind of training and support do you offer?

Extensive. All setters get access to a training document breaking down all the deliverables we build out for you in Phase 1.

Including live training calls, review calls, 1:1s and much more.

Therefore they’ll quickly learn absolutely everything about your offer, the prospecting methods, access all custom frameworks, videos etc, from one centralized location.

Allowing for a duplicatable process for future setters.

What industries or niches does your system work best for?

We mainly work with Marketing agencies, but our system can work with coaches, consultants and other types of B2B businesses.

Want to know if we can help? Reach out here.

What level of automation does your system offer?

Facebook, Instagram & Cold Calling are all manual. We found that it gets the best results. While LinkedIn & Cold Email are mostly automated.

What is the typical learning curve to fully adopt your system?

Depends on experience. We try to ramp setters in as little as 1 month.

How Involved will I need to be?

5-6 hours max across 2 months. We do all the heavy work and fulfillment for you.

You simply need to answer our questions and close deals.

How much does your service cost?

As mentioned in the above video. It’s a one-time 4-figure investment with an ROI guarantee of at least 5x following our RL framework.

No retainers, no hidden costs, no long-term contracts, no rev share or anything like that.

Get in now before the price changes - click here

How long does it take to start seeing results?

Phase 1: 3-4 weeks. Over 60 hours to strategize & build out, completely done-for-you.

Phase 2: 4-5 weeks of setter and training management. You can start generating results in week 1 if you have the time to book meetings. If not, you’ll have to wait until Phase 2 begins as you’ll have a setter.

Goal is for them to book at least 1 meeting per day as soon as possible, then gradually progress to 2-4 per day.

Monthly expected range: 20-60 meetings per month, per setter, depending on your niche, offer, qualification criteria etc.

What lead generation strategies do you use?

We set up systems across Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Cold Email, Cold Calling, Warm Calling and so on.

We’ve found multi-channel tends to see the best results long-term.

Is it really a one-time investment?

Yes, it’s ridiculously inexpensive right now for the value we provide.

Soon the offer will raise to 5-figures, retainer + rev share.

So there really isn’t a better time to jump in if you’re interested, than now.

Speak with us now

What size businesses do you typically work with?

Whether you want an in-house system to get your agency off the ground, or a fully fledged outbound team.. we got you covered. We’ve helped businesses between 4-7 figures.

How do you determine whether a lead is qualified or not?

During your onboarding you’ll complete a form and hop on an offer call with us to get all this squared away. Ensuring everyone that books are qualified.

What makes you different from other lead generation companies?

I have yet to find an agency that will just build you the entire in-house fully multi-platform outbound sales system, run it for you, optimize it for you and let you own it for life.. without paying a retainer or a % of sales to utilize it.

How often do you have check-in with clients?

Everyday in Phase 1, and every other day in Phase 2. Being completely transparent with everything going on.

Can Fruntend build an outbound sales department from scratch for a new business?

Absolutely. We take a look at your offer, it’s messaging and positioning - improve it all.‍

Then move onto building the entire outbound system in less than 1 month.

Then move onto training and managing someone to run it for 1 month.

We work extremely quickly ensuring quality is at top of mind. You’ll see for yourself.

Get started here

What does the onboarding process look like?

You’ll get invited to a custom 1:1 dashboard within 24 hours of signing up.

There you can fill out the onboarding form, look at the deliverables, our agreement, access the content doc

and much more - all from one single location.

Once you’ve filled out the onboarding form. Daniel will schedule a 1:1 offer strategy session.

After that, we get to work!

How long does onboarding take?

30 minutes. Depends on how long it takes you to fill out the onboarding form.

Who will be my main point of contact?

Daniel, the guy in the video :D

What software or tools will I need to use?

A CRM - e.g. GHL

Funnel Builder - e.g. GHL

Cold Email Software

LinkedIn Automation

Email Marketing - e.g GHL

Hosting Software - Namecheap, GoDaddy etc.

Google Workspace

How do I know if the appointment setter is performing well?

Through our feedback, reviewing tracking sheets and bi-weekly review calls.

What should I expect in the first 30 days of Phase 1?

A fully custom in-house multi-platform outbound system that's tailored to your newly optimized cold-friendly offer and agency, which you can rely on to always generate you qualified sales meetings with your ideal client profile.

What should I expect in the next 30 days of Phase 2?

Full blown training and management of the entire system we built for you in Phase 1.

Trying to quickly ramp up in order to start booking at least 1 meeting per day (20/m) and raising to 2-3+ consistent meetings per day after that (40-60/m)

Sounds helpful? Let's Speak

We’ll look “under the hood”, identify your growth possibilities, we’ll break down your offer, we’ll break down the exact 2 phase system that's helped us book 300 meetings and close 6-figures of revenue in less than 4 months starting from $0 & much more.

What do you have the lose?

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Although we make every effort to accurately represent the services and/or products presented on this website, Daniel Libietis makes no assurance, representation or promise regarding future earnings or income, or that you will make any specific amount of money, or any money at all, or that you will not lose money. Earnings or income statements, or examples of earnings or income, represent estimates of what you may earn; however, there is no promise or guarantee that you may experience the same level of earnings or income. There is no assurance that any prior success or past results regarding earnings or income may be an indication of your future success or results.